Friday, November 29, 2019
Complete Humorous Guide to the World Literature for It Students
Complete Humorous Guide to the World Literature for It Students Being an IT student comes with a lot of perks, I am sure. I bet that you can solve complex math equations, build databases, troubleshoot code, something great like that I am sure, however, I bet that this has little application in the social world. Literature makes up much of our popular culture, and you dont want to be the one in the group who looks confused at the utterance of a literary reference, you big phony. See, I bet you missed what I did there. But there is hope for you yet! Because you clicked on this post, I am sure you have an interest in the subject, and to be honest, that is the most important step into gaining knowledge. At the end of this post you will be an expert on the world of literature. I will walk you through the periods of the world of lit so you can make references that will even make a turtle neck toting, brandy sipping, English major envious. l want to note that each of these periods that I will go over, are not exclusive. They often overlap, or even merge in most cases. The idea here is to give you an understanding on the meaning behind these different periods. Maybe you will see one that catches your fancy and you can check out some books from the genre. Who knows! I can see that you are ready to get to the point. Lets dive in! These are the major periodsof the lit world:Renaissance literature, The Enlightenment, Romanticism, Transcendentalism, Realism, Modernism, Bloomsbury Group, Existentialism, and the Beat Generation. Renaissance Literature Before this period, it was all bad- think dungeons, the black death (bring out your dead!), tyrannous rule, repressed citizens- I mean just reading that makes me a bit depressed. And this went on for HUNDREDS of years. Luckily, the Renaissance period came about and shook up the world. If the dark ages were a sickly and malformed hunchback chained in a forgotten dungeon, the Renaissance period was a group of women with flowers in their hair prancing in a field. To give you some time perspective, this took place between the fourteenth through the sixteenth centuries. And as the Dark Ages (yes that was a real thing) ended, the gloomy world was filled with optimism, artistry, and hope. The dominant forms of literature of this period were poetry and the drama. This drama is much better than the soap opera your aunt watches at noon, I am talking about Shakespeare here. Works during the Renaissance period were focused on the individual and perfecting the human, as we know it. These works of art still inspire us today. Unfortunately, this ever upward attitude of the period could not go on forever, and violence once again came about the world. Order was in need, and it led to the next literary period. The Enlightenment The Enlightenment was a major step forward for human civilization and took a more logical approach to the world, instead of the artful hippy-ness of the Renaissance period this period birthed the modern scientific method. Now I know that you lT students can relate to this one! To set the scene, at this time anything that went against the doctrinal religious leaders, was a big no-no. You could be put in jail or have your life ended, serious business. It wasnt until people like Newton, the father of physics, and Francis Bacon (not the food) came along and started to build the scientific method from the ground up that things started to change. Through data, observation, and confirming hypotheses, the rulers were slowly won over, and put away the guillotines. The enlightenment celebrated ideas, and made it so you and I could express our scientific ideas, without risk of persecution. Also, with all of these ideas floating around it led to a surge of literacy among the public and gave those not in power a voice. Power to the people! Romanticism Turn down the lights, and light some candles because it is about to get.. Wait Wrong kind of Romantic Sadly, maybe happily this literary period isnt all about romance and love stories (sorry all of you Twilight fans). This literary period was mostly concerned with the individual over society, and works of literature focused on character building, and analyzing the imagination and consciousness. Where The Enlightenment was all about logic, this again is a flip into another, less concrete, way of thinking. A novel that is the poster child of this period is the Scarlet Letter, which is often seen as one of the greatest literary works of our time. If you want to try something a little darker, try Edgar Allen Poe, he was one of the first to perfect the horror genre and is a must-read to those who want to become familiar with literature. lf dark isnt your thing, Walt Whitman wrote some great poetry that was not only artful, but descriptive of the times like a vivid documentary. Transcendentalism Sometimes there are facts; something can be observed and written down in order to understand it. Other times, the answer may not be easily understood by the senses alone and you need to look within. Sounds a bit hokey, but that is all what this literary period is about. Sometimes it is important to get back to your roots, and get in touch with what is truly important. That is exactly what Ralph Waldo Emerson did, who was a largely influential force in the Transcendentalist movement. Emerson built a cabin with his own land, next to Walden Pond. He wanted to get in touch with nature, and spend his time living off of the land.Maybe you cant (or dont want to) live in the woods and survive off of the land for several years, and meditate, so luckily he wrote the books Walden and Life in the Woods where he speaks about these ideas, and lays the groundwork for environmental activism, and social justice. Realism It is about to get real! No really. Realism is all about painting a picture with words and bringing the reader directly into the moment. The influence of this period is seen widespread in current novels and poetry. An author of Realist works would be almost like a journalist and write down every detail of a story. But these authors wouldnt just write down what you could discern from the outside perspective, it looked inside the characters minds, and through internal monologue, placed you directly inside of the characters heads. Mark Twain is one of the great American authors who falls into this literary period. The works of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn really put you into the moment of the times and are both great reads. Realism fell apart because it actually didnt keep it real enough. It went too deep into the minds of the characters and the story plots themselves fell apart. That is when keeping it real goes wrong. Naturalism Naturalism is a direct movement which followed the Realist movement. Where Realism floated in the ideas themselves, Naturalism aimed to find reasons behind ideas and actions in a more explanatory way. The thought process behind this being that the family you are born in, the location of your family, your social status at birth, and your genes are all conditions that are very determinate of how your life is going to turn out. It is very hard to lead a prosperous life if you are born into a family in a third world country where your biggest worries are finding the next meal. Major players in this literary period were inspired by the likes of Charles Darwin who in a way developed this way of thinking through his scientific classifications of species and with that came a predisposition of classifying based off of science alone (think scientific racism, yeah not all pretty stuff here). Naturalism is this idea of Social Darwinism played out in fiction. Novels of this time would place a heavy focus on the factors outside of the characters control. They would underscore the characters social environment and use it to guide the story along. If you do not believe in fate, then this period is not for you, but I think that you would be naive to suggest that your social environment has nothing to do with the way that your life turned out (however happy or sad of an existence that you may lead). For further reading take a look into authors such as Frank Norris, Edith Wharton, and Stephen Crane. Ironically both Norris and Crane died before their time (could it be fate?!). Modernism This literary period aimed to break all of the existing rules in literature. Think abstract art, or poems with breaks in structure. Sometimes it is fun to be a rebel after all, and that is exactly what those in this style of writing were, rebels with a very specific cause. They were bored with the way that everyone else was doing things, and created new ways to express themselves giving birth to the modernist movement. Some of the greatest authors of our time were part of the Modernist period, TS Eliot, Earnest Hemingway, and F. Scott Fitzgerald to name a few. These writers struggled to find meaning in this life we are living, and wrote novels that looked at class, and societal structure in a way that really made the reader wonder what life is really all about. The stories cause readers to question their own lives, and are very entertaining read because they go deeper than the story itself. If riveting stories full of glamour, and superficial fulfillment try The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald, or if you are more into poetry try Wasteland by T. S. Eliot. These works encapsulate what this movement was about and you will NOT be disappointed. And, please, dont just watch The Great Gatsby movie! Read the book! Existentialism If the Modernist movement had you questioning what it is all for, then this literary period, Existentialism, aims to answer that question. Actually, they have an answer for you: I think therefore I am. Do you feel like you know the answer to life yet? No? Well sadly, some works of the existentialist movement may make you feel a bit more isolated and pointless. To be really honest, you may want to just avoid these readings, unless you are the introspective type. Philosophers, like Nietzsche, looked life in the eye and attempted to make sense of it all. Often pessimistic, this movement is very real (maybe too real?). I do not recommend reading anything from this movement if you like to feel a warm fuzzy feeling, as the saying goes ignorance is bliss. If you want to get to the bottom of the barrel and see life for what it truly is and possibly even get some answers, dive into the writings of Franz Kafka, Soren Kierkegaard, and Friedrich Nietzsche (whooh those are not easy to spell out), but dont blame me if it throws you into a deep depression (or existential crisis).. Beat Generation Luckily, I will not leave you on a depressing low note. English is fun after all! The Beat Generation is rich in artistic expression, jazz, and bold color. Jack Kerouac, Allen Ginsberg formed the initial founding group of the Beatniks. To make it easy to understand Beatniks are kind of like the oG hippy. They are anti-establishment, anti-institution (fight the power!), but the beats were well educated and inspirational, as well. If a single work needed to be plucked from the pool of the Beat movement, it would be Kerouacs On the Road. It is a fascinating tale full of drug influenced visions, perspectives on society, and philosophical ideas that resonate to this day, and if that doesnt make you want to pick up an actual book and read for once, then I dont know what will. See! Wasnt that easy? You are now a literary expert, and I think that you deserve a pat on the back, gold star, or maybe even a cookie! Now you can study up and drop literary references with the best. Hah! And you dont even have to wear a turtleneck while you do it (you are welcome). So get out there and start reading some books from the periods that caught your eye, or dont. At the very least you now have an understanding on the world of literature, and can go out into the world with some confidence. Let me know what you think below! Thank you for reading!
Monday, November 25, 2019
Insurance and Genetics Testing Essays
Insurance and Genetics Testing Essays Insurance and Genetics Testing Paper Insurance and Genetics Testing Paper Do you have health insurance? When you go to the doctor do you think about how your insurance gives you coverage? When your pay check is a little short because of your premium are you angry? I would like to discuss with you what is going to happen when genetic testing becomes more widely used. In order to discuss how genetic testing is going to affect the insurance industry we must first discuss how insurance works. I know that there are two sides to every story, so I would also like to discuss the pros and cons of genetic testing. Hopefully, by the end of this presentation you will better understand why this is such an important topic. First, I would like to talk about how insurance works. According to Risk Management and Insurance, insurance is defined as a social device in which a group of individuals who transfer risk in order to combine experience, which permits mathematical prediction of losses, and provides for payment of losses from funds contributed by all members who transferred risk. Insurance is based on the uncertainty of life. If you have a risk, then most people tend to want to get rid of the risk, or transfer it. The person who transfers risk is the insured and the one who assumes risk, is the insurer. Once you decide to transfer risk you are put into a pool, or a group in which everyone has the same risk as you. Not everyone in the pool is going to get the disease or ailment but they all pay the same premium to cover the people who do. The premium is based on the amount of risk you have. This is based entirely on history and statistics. This is a topic on the mind of many people who are involved in the industry. It is also an important topic in government. Democrats and civil rights groups favor legislation that would set stringent privacy standards, ban discrimination by insurers and employers, and allow discrimination victims to seek uncapped damages in court. They have so far been unable to pass such a bill. Republicans have supported more narrow legislation, focusing on discrimination by insurers only. Most Americans want privacy, and of course do not want to be discriminated against. The industry wants to find a healthy way of dealing with genetic testing, since there is no way to stop people from getting the tests. There are good things as well as bad that come along with technological advances such as genetic testing. Using genetic testing can help find a disease, that with early detection can be treated. It can also be used to detect a genetic disease in an unborn child, or the probability that the couple will have a child with a genetic disease. This, in effect, reduces the uncertainty of life. That is where the effect on insurance comes in. If we know that we are not going to have a certain disease then it is likely we will choose not to insure against that specific disease. That leaves only the ones who will get sick to seek insurance. Since, insurance uses the premium from the ones who do not develop the disease to pay for the ones who do have the disease, this creates a problem. There would not be enough money to pay for all of the care of the insured. Not all illnesses are caused by genetics, so of course there would still be a need for some insurance. According to an article in Christian Science Monitor , more than 80% of Americans seek to block the access of employers and insurance companies to genetic information according to polls. If insurance companies do not have access to these tests, it is my opinion the insurance industry will go bankrupt. Based on information given to the insurance company, such as; height, weight, age, sex, and previous history, an insured will be put into a pool with others who know they are going to get a disease and are not paying enough to cover it. This will drive the price of insurance so high, to try and cover for those with the disease. Eventually only those who know they have a disease will be willing to pay so much for insurance. Since insurance is based on uncertainty that is where the problem comes in. If everyone with insurance is certain to have a genetic disease there is no uncertainty, therefor no insurance. On the other hand, if they had access to the results of genetic testing, there could be a lot of problems also. They could deny anyone with a genetic disease, and then there would also not be any uncertainty. The insurance company would make a lot of profit off of those who do not have a tendency towards a disease. This way is more easy to fix than the first. The industry is trying to figure out a way to deal with this now. If the government denies insurance companies access to results then they will go bankrupt. If the government allows access, there are ways to prevent a problem. One fix would be set up special pools for those who have a tendency towards a disease. That would allow them to pay a premium based on the fact that they have the tendency. They could then have some sort of government funding to back up the insurance for these people. Or the government could completely fund the medical care of those who cannot get insurance, although either way it is still going to amount to other Americans paying for the disease. I know that many people do not even think about the effect that genetic testing is going to have on our future. As and insurance major, I think about it often. It is a topic that should not be ignored. I am not usually one who is thrilled about government intervention. In this case however, I make an exception. Without laws to regulate the industry it will be impossible for us to continue in the same fashion as today. My fix is to keep the government involved, that is the only way I see to stop the problem.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Depend on business plans you analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 2
Depend on business plans you analysis - Essay Example The outline given in the textbook on how to write a business plan has the following segments; Objectives, budget, income statement, cash flow, balance Sheet, Break even analysis, examples, and a summary. These two companiesââ¬â¢ business plans have different elements compared to the outline given in class. The only common elements were the costing and the financial analysis. However, there are varied differences with the Ford Motor Company and AMREF business plans. The business plan by AMREF has an executive summary that has a description of the companies plan. An introduction, the mission, and values of the company follow. The partnership descriptions, strategic fundraising, strategic directions, management of the business planning process, monitoring, evaluation and costing are the elements in the plan. On the other hand, the Ford Motor company business plan has an introduction that contains main aspects of the company, its aims, and policies. It has an analysis of the current business environment and its viability plan. The last aspect in the plan is a summary of the issues raised in the plan and responses to questions that had been raised. The style used in the business plan is the official recommended style of writing. In the two online sources, they capture background information about the company, the vision, and objectives. It also contains the business details of the company, services, and products, and financial analysis of the company. The two plans have been written using first pronoun and no cited references. A convincing business plan must be official, written in first-person and in cases where information is outsourced it should be well referenced. The details of a business plan are critical. The way the details have been presented should be in an organized, flawless, and systematic way. This is essential if the plan is to be
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Jeffrey Dahmer Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Jeffrey Dahmer - Research Paper Example Most of his killing activities were happened between 1978 and 1991. He has conducted his murdering activities in a brutal manner. Most of his victims suffered rape and torture before they were being killed by Dahmer. One of the strange habits of Dahmer was that he was addict of cannibalism. Dahmer was beaten to death on November 28, 1994, by an inmate at the Columbia Correctional Institution. This paper analyses history and murder activities of Jeffrey Lionel Dahmer Dahmer was born on May 21, 1960 in a fundamentalist family in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. At age eight, his family moved to Bath, Ohio, near Akron. He was always painfully shy and suffered from low self-esteem. As a child he was molested by a neighbor. First his father left the home. Then after a bitter divorce, his mother took his brother, and left Dahmer with his father (Burns) Like in the case of many other criminals, nature and nurture played an important role in the making of Dahmer as a fierce serial killer. His early life was not good enough to make him a good citizen when he was grown up. The absence of motherââ¬â¢s love and care made him extremely frustrated and he has developed an antisocial attitude gradually. Added to the woes, he was molested by a neighbor during his childhood which created a revengeful attitude in him. He disliked everything and has not established any social tie up with others. People who watched the shish nature of Dahmer never felt anything bad about it. Even though Dahmer appeared as an innocent and silly guy to others, he was not so internally. He was gradually developing revenge towards the society which denied him normal living conditions. Even at his young days he had a habit of killing animals and stabbing at the heads of the animals he killed. He was never afraid of seeing the blood or killing of animals. He was initially releasing his revengeful energy by killing animals. Nobody found anything unusual in it as many young children of
Monday, November 18, 2019
Philosophy of Hugo Bedau and Ernest vd. Haag Essay
Philosophy of Hugo Bedau and Ernest vd. Haag - Essay Example Soon he is called to pay for the sins of his nature. The ultimate punishment for man's heinous crimes has continued to raise differing views in the civilized society. Hugo Bedau upholds the American Civil Liberties Union that "death penalty inherently violates the constitutional ban against cruel and unusual punishment and the guarantee of due process of law and the equal protection of the laws". This idea is based on the premise that the state should not usurp the power of taking the lives of human beings especially in a "premeditated and with ceremony" under the guise of law. The punishment of death for a capital offense is frowned upon as too "harsh, freaky and arbitrary" to be constitutionally acceptable. He believes that this form of punishment is still based on the early days of barbarism when other forms of corporal punishment were acceptable. The killing of a person has no place in a civil humane society because it wastes the resources of the courts, the legal counsels, juries and other correctional personnel. Executions impar t to the society the unmistakable message that "human life no longer deserves respect and that homicide is legitimate when justified by pragmatic concerns." He has also added: "that threat of severe punishment cannot deter criminals especially ones who are in the drug trade. If however, long term imprisonment is severe enough to cause any rational person not to commit violent crimes. Bedau also demonstrated that "death penalty violates the constitutional guarantee of the equal protection of the law" as it is applied randomly at best and discriminatorily at worst. He also added that "it is imposed disproportionately upon those whose victims are white, on offenders who are people of color and on the poor and uneducated". He based this argument on the misdistribution of the implementation of the punishment on criminals whose offenses were against white victims because statistics would show that in 2005, of the 60 inmates who were executed, 41 were white and only 19 were black. Ernest van den Haag, for his part believes that capital punishment likely serves as a deterrent factor to the commission of a crime because of the common fear of death. Criminals, although not scientifically supported have a strong and palpable fear of the capital punishment on its severe form. There are murderers who are not hindered by the threat of imprisonment but death as a finality serves to inflict a sense of foreboding, knowing that after death there is only void. More so, "death penalty certainly deters the murderer who is executed". He further argues that the abolition of this capital punishment "is prayed upon by pro-life activists like Bedau with the argument that there is misdistribution between the guilty and the innocent." He reasoned out that Bedau's argument of misdistribution of punishment is irrelevant to its justice or morality as "punishments are imposed on the person, not on racial or economic groups". In short, equality in the appropriation of the punishment is less important than justice. The long term imprisonment preferred by pro-life activists is a costly maintenance which cannot inflict the kind of fear that the possibility of death brings. There is a likely chance of escape in prison. In some third world countries, the despicable criminals quite enjoy being afforded food while being
Saturday, November 16, 2019
International Obesity Health Risks and Policies
International Obesity Health Risks and Policies Anja Bialas Jà ¶rn Janssen Alice Temitope Olude Table of content 1 Obesity as the major health risk for the population of the Republic of Nauru ââ¬âCauses and Impact â⬠¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦. 3 2 Possibilities and constraints of health protection policies in Nauru â⬠¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦.. 4 2.1 Assessment of the requirements of adequate health policies in Nauru â⬠¦Ã¢â¬ ¦ 4 2.2 Discussion of Financing Options of Social Health Protection in the Case of Nauru â⬠¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦ 6 3 Conclusions and Recommendation â⬠¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦ 8 1 Obesity as the major health risk for the population of the Republic of Nauru ââ¬â Causes and Impact The worldââ¬â¢s smallest independent Republic Nauru, which is located in the South Pacific Ocean, set a distressing record of being one of the countries with the highest obesity rates. About 71.1 % adult of the population are considered to be obese (CIA 2014). Due to the WHO (2014), obesity is defined as ââ¬Å"abnormal or excessive fat accumulation that may impair healthâ⬠. The most important direct results or epiphenomena are cardiovascular diseases (e.g. stroke), which are mentioned by the WHO as the leading cause of death in 2012. Other ailments are diabetes, musculoskeletal disorders (e.g. osteoarthritis) some sort of cancer as well as mental disorders (WHO 2014). Nowadays, obesity at Nauru may result from the lack of access to a healthy environment, especially lack of access to fresh and healthy food and lack of physical activity. Besides that, other reasons from previous periods have to be discussed shortly, which may also be responsible for the present situation. After independence in 1968, Nauru used to be one of the richest countries in the world with high rates of GDP per capita due to its rich phosphate deposits. Due to bad governance, for instance the mismanagement of funds, lack of structural, economic and environmental policies, Nauru went bankrupt finally. Today, the republic is a low-income country and can be characterized by the following attributes: Lack of established industries Deteriorating capital plants High unemployment rate of 90% due to estimations by the CIA of 2005 (CIA 2014) Destroyed landscape (90% of the land are deteriorated due to intensive phosphate mining) (CIA 2014) High dependency on imports of almost all goods (food and other consumer goods) High dependency from aid, especially from the donor Australia In spite of all these health problems, Nauru lacks a good health care system and it cannot afford to create one because of its weak economic and social state. Now, Nauru lacks the capacities to deal with the most important health risk obesity on the one hand, which affects the majority of the country. On the other hand it can be estimated, that Nauru will not be able to create an environment for the community to prevent further progress of overweight and obesity within the next years. For that reason it can be stated, that the country will not be able to deal with the problem in a proper way in the short and in the intermediate term. In the light of this, the paper would examine the present situations of Nauru healthcare and why the standard financing options wonà ´t work while also falsifying already tested hypotheses about the effectiveness of standard financing options. 2 Possibilities and constraints of health protection policies in Nauru 2.1 Assessment of the requirements of adequate health policies in Nauru What are the requirements for an adequate health policy, and how might the situation in Nauru look like, in detail? In the following, this chapter is going to answer the stated questions. Therefore, it uses six basic indicators of good health policies; the focus on lifestyle and needs of population, consideration of other sectors relevant for health, participation of the population, use of locally available resources, integration and coordination of preventive, promotional, curative and rehabilitative measures, and decentralization of services. With this, the subject of the following chapter is to create an understanding of Nauruà ´s situation today, while simultaneously trying to present the major problems. Focus on lifestyle and needs of population Beginning with lifestyle, we address directly one of the major problems. Before the country became rich, due to phosphate exportation, the population provided themselves through farming, fishing and hunting (20min 2011). The natural food and the gently cooking preparation, through boiling, supported the inhabitants with healthy, organic and substantial food. But with the growing income the eating habits changed towards imported, fat and durable food from the West, especially, meat and chips found their way in the supermarkets and so into stomachs of the population. Together with a low amount of working people, Nauruan grew fatter and unhealthier. Another problem is that only processed or canned food finds its way on the island, until today, because the transportation of vegetables or fruits would take too long and would be too expensive. Even with an active government, the imported goods are still a problem (20min 2011). The lifestyle of the population changed over the last decades. Todayà ´s government focuses on the problem and is trying to support the population. Information on measures and programs are discussed in several media but are not published via official channels. Therefore it remains questionable, if the governmentà ´s efforts are sufficient and suitable to address the problems. Use of locally available resources ââ¬â considering their scarcity The considerations of the government lead to daily walks of the president, anti-obesity campaigns, with signs and banners, and a support campaign for natural and healthy foods, which seemed to have some success. Especially the small trend towards more healthy food, developed with the growing poverty. Imported food is often more expensive than rural food. Therefore, the people do not have much of a choice and it is hardly to count as a success. Participation of the population in search for solutions The participation of the population seems rather small. Even though the average lifespan of a male Nauruan dropped under the age of 50, the support of the population is limited (WHO Nauru 2012). A few people profit from the working benefits, only the youngest go to school or college. The problem, the 95% obese people, are whether neither young nor working. Most of them are out of school and not working. Therefore, they do not see the necessity for change (Nauru Government 2014). Due to this, they are hard to motivate and engage. Participation of the population is critical for the success of all measures to reduce the health risks. It can be stated, that participation is rather low. It should be a major concern of the government to focus on that issue. Consideration of other sectors relevant for health With the acceptance and notion of the problem obesity, the government tried to support the population through single activities; additional focus on sport activities in the education system, free aerobic classes, the creation of sport tournaments, the provision of more sport areas and the support of those areas with the needed equipment and a guaranteed time for employees to do fitness. Naturally, because only a few people work, only a few benefit from the walking regulation, which does not support a change efficiently. Additionally, they started an anti-diabetes campaign and inform children in schools about the difficulties coming from an unhealthy lifestyle early on. As a result of this, the president walks every day, visible for everyone, on the landing zone of the airport, to motivate the population (20min 2011). Integration and coordination of preventive, promotional, curative and rehabilitative measures The government of Nauru agreed that they could only support the older population through high medicine standards, sufficient medication in case of diabetes, free athletic classes, obesity warnings and specialized medicine treatments (20min 2011). The young generation gets additional education about unhealthy living styles, is supported with more opportunities and motivation to do sports and. The focus of the government therefore lays on trying to change the development of the future generations and alleviation of the present problems for the older generations. Extravagant measures, like the daily walk of the president are one of the things, which were implemented to raise awareness. Decentralization of services The decentralization is not relevant because of the very small size of the country. 2.2 Discussion of Financing Options of Social Health Protection in the Case of Nauru There are various ways that a social health insurance could be financed. This section of the paper will be explaining the various financing options, the various features of each of the options, how they work and then assess its feasibility in financing social health insurance policies in Nauru. The various financing options the paper would examine are as follows: User fees, Prepayment scheme, Government budget and Private insurance. Besides that Social insurance and Micro-insurance are further options of financing, which will not be focused in the following discussion. User Fees This involves an ââ¬Å"out-of-pocketâ⬠financing of health services. In other words, the people would have to pay out of their pocket and it is usually on an immediate basis. It has been argued overtime whether this form of financing is effective or not, and also whether it promotes the use of social health insurance. While some argued that it provides a measure to check over utilization of health services, some argued that it doesnââ¬â¢t encourage the poor (who are the most vulnerable to health risks) to use health services as it is usually too expensive for them to manage. Also, it doesnââ¬â¢t really protect people from risks as there is no insurance element. With all the above mentioned, it is quite clear why this form of financing cannot be used in Nauru. In a country with 90% unemployment according to CIA fact book and with its citizens having no source of income, it will be impossible for them to pay for health services out of their pockets much less immediately. Prepayment Scheme Prepayment scheme as the name implies is the payment for a service in advance. This involves a payment of premium before the occurrence of the hazard. It has same features like the user fees except that it has an insurance element in that the users pay ahead of the occurrence of the hazard. This also cannot work for the citizens of Nauru as most of them are unemployed so there is no way of making payments in installments. Also, most of the employed are working in the informal sector, which makes it even more difficult for pooling of funds. Government Budget (Taxes) The government can also get to finance health care policies. This is usually done by allocating a percentage of government budget to the health care sector. Also, it could be done through payment of tax by citizens to government but usually with subsidies. This form of financing acts as a balance between the rich getting health coverage and the poor getting coverage as well. This is so because it is cheaper, provides universal access with low administration costs and most importantly, more coverage at little or no costs. The Nauru government has an annual budget of $AUD 35.6 million as reported by the UNICEF in 2002, as well as a total expenditure of $AUD 79 million, which brings its deficit to $AUD 49 million. With this huge deficit and 90% of her revenue coming from aid, the health sector remains under funded still even though a higher percentage of her budget goes to providing health services. Making it also almost impossible to singlehandedly provide good health services based on government funding. Private Insurance Private health insurance is a form of voluntary insurance taken out by users themselves for various reasons. It has been argued that private health insurance helps cater to needs of the rich which allows the government to focus on catering better to the needs of the poor with limited resources. Also, it helps to provide more choices to the consumers and acts as a catalyst to reforms and efficiency in public health insurance. Despite all of these advantages, it is still really expensive and even widens gap between the rich and poor. Moreover, it is a bit difficult to administrate. Presently, there is no form of private health insurance in Nauru. This is no surprise as private health insurers usually invest where the profits are higher and also insure people with lowest vulnerability to risks. In Nauru, most of its people suffer from obesity and diabetes; thus, if there were to be any coverage by insurance, these two diseases have to be a main focus but private insurers wonââ¬â¢t want to insure them as the probability of the risk occurring is really high. 3 Conclusions and Recommendation The paper focused mainly on two pillars, which are assessment of the requirements of adequate health policies and financing options. Within the chapters 2.1 and 2.2., we could give evidence for a number of problems, of which inhabitants of Nauru suffers today. Those can be summarized by the following characteristics: 1. Country specific obstacles like the small size, small number of inhabitants, high number of unemployed people, as well as the high number of diseased people and mismanagement in the past. 2. Lack of self-responsibility 3. High dependency burdens 4. Budget constraints These problems affect the health conditions of the country to large extend and worsen the situation of people who suffer from obesity but also support a large number of obesity incidence. We must come to the conclusion that for the same reasons / problems, Nauru will not be able to deal with the problem in a proper way in the short and in the intermediate term. Also, it can be estimated, that Nauru will not be able to formulate adequate policies and strategies to address the needs of those people who already suffer from obesity as well as those who are in danger to come down with obesity. Furthermore it is critical to find sufficient and sustainable sources how to finance the budget and especially a budget for health policies. Even if the authorities are aware of the problem and have been implementing single strategies to fight against obesity, it lacks of a broad and sustainable implementation of concrete measures to address the problem. Due to the requirements of adequate health policies, it can be stated, that Nauru is not able to improve the situation remarkably. At the moment, the awareness concerning a responsibility and especially self-responsibility of the Nauruan authorities to address the needs of a healthy population is not obvious. The major argument here is, that there is no transparency because of lack of adequate information. In terms of financing options, Nauru has to look for other, maybe unconventional financing options e.g. selling the right for an arts project (film, book) because of the countries unique past or Nauru could initiate a crowd funding campaign, which offers adventure vacation for money. Besides that, Nauru should focus on financing options, which makes the country independent from single donor states like Australia, e.g. credit at the World Bank. Bibliography Central Intelligence Agency, 2014. The World Factbook. Washington D. C.: CIA -The World Factbook. Available from: (Accessed 14th August 2014, 21st September 2014) 20min, 2011. Das dickste Volk der Welt. Available from: (Accessed 20.09.2014) Nauru Government, 2014. Health, online platform. Available from (Accessed 21.09.2014) World Health Organization, 2014. WHO Media centre ââ¬â Obesity and overweight; Fact sheet Nà ° 311. Geneva: WHO Media centre. Available from: (Accessed 14 August 2014) World Health Organization, 2012. Nauru: health profile. Available from: (Accessed 22.09.2014) United Nations, 2012. Nauru: health profile. Available from: (Accessed 22.09.2014)
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Another Albert Einstein :: essays research papers
Albert Einstein was a great man who contributed many theories and ideas to the world of science. Some people considered him one of the smartest human beings alive. The theory of relativity is also said to be ââ¬Å"held as the human thought of highest quality. Albert Einstein was born in Ulm, Germany in 1879. In 1894, Einsteinââ¬â¢s family moved to Milan. Einstein went to Switzerland, and he attended Aarau Secondary School. There, he received his Swiss Citizenship. Afterwards, Einstein returned back to his home, Ulm Germany, and studied to become a mathematics and physics teacher. Later in 1902-1909, he worked at the patent office, as an examiner in Bern. He obtained his doctorate while working there. During this time he developed the theory of relativity, in 1905, which explained the photoelectric effect and studied the motion of atoms. The theory, E=mc explained that mass and energy were equivalent. Later in 1908, he became a lecturer at the University of Bern. Then eventually in 1909, he became a physics teacher back at the University of Bern. As you can see, Einstein had a very busy academic life. By this time, Einsteinââ¬â¢s incredible knowledge had attracted many scientists. In 1910, he became a professor at the German University, in Prague. By 1913, Einstein had become famous internationally. In 1921, Einstein was awarded with the Nobel Prize for his incredible work in physics, especially his theory of Relativity. In 1933, he accepted a place at Princeton, the institute for advanced study. Einstein became very happy in 1940, when he became an American citizen. Although, Einstein was very worried about the possible use of Atomic Energy in bombs. He wrote to the President of the United States, Franklin Roosevelt, to investigate this. Einstein wanted world peace and disagreed with wars. Here is a more detailed explanation of Einsteinââ¬â¢s Theory of Relativity. Einstein's early work on the theory of relativity (1905) dealt only with systems or observers in uniform (unaccelerated) motion with respect to one another and is referred to as the special theory of relativity; among other results, it demonstrated that two observers moving at great speed with respect to each other will disagree about measurements of length and time intervals made in each other's systems, that the speed of light is the limiting speed of all bodies having mass, and that mass and energy are equivalent. Overall Einstein had wished that his theories would be very simple and easy to understand, but no matter how simple he made them, they were still hard to interpret.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Seasons of Life: Infancy and Early Childhood
The following reviews the value of understanding human development over a lifetime and highlights key theories from within the first five years of life as recognized in the Seasons of Life video series. Included is a reflection on a theory of attachment, three clocks that influence life, temperament and early memories. How these theories pertain to the individualââ¬Ës early development and effects in later years will be discussed along with the authorââ¬â¢s personal opinion. Seasons of Life: Early Perspective What appears to be universally interesting about life is people. This is evidenced by the large amount of information, resources and theories that surround people and their development. The video series Seasons of Life: Infancy and Early Childhood (1990) highlight key elements in early development and their effects that contribute toward the individual throughout their life. One theory mentioned in Seasons of Life, is that of attachment. John Bowlby expressed that innately humans are equipped at birth to cause attachment to their caregivers. If the attachment is successful the cycle should continue, acting as the foundation for healthy, successful relationships throughout the lifespan (Bowlby, 1982). Each of the child subjects in the Seasons of Life appeared to have successful attachment to their caregiver. This was regardless of whether the child stayed primarily in the home for care and was surrounded with extended family, had few local relatives, spent time in day care or had a grandparent as a main caregiver. Also reviewed in the film were three clocks that caused influence in peopleââ¬â¢s lives. The first was a biological clock. This clock was said to have the strongest influence early on, and as early as in the womb. The second was a social clock. This clock was described as societyââ¬â¢s age related expectations of the individual at any given time (Berk, 2010). For example that people should marry in their twenties then follow with having children, et cetera. The social clock was also described as evolving with societal changes in expectations. The psychological clock was listed third and described as the passage of time in peopleââ¬â¢s lives. This timekeeper could drive people to become themselves. Examples stated were of feeling an age rather than the actual years lived and where evidence of deep long-lasting emotional attachment could be revealed in later years. Another aspect of development highlighted was temperament. A wide range of child temperaments were represented in the film. It was discussed that these dispositions would remain with the children throughout their years. Some were seen as relaxed and easy-going and others were challenging and determined. The narrator discussed that the temperaments seen in early months and years might serve the children later on toward reaching their goals. Additionally mentioned in the video, and perhaps the most impactful for me, was that the individuals search for the meaning of self could and would be directed back to their earliest memories. Concrete memories were mentioned to be available beginning around 3 to 4 years of age. Of all the information available in Seasons of Life, that of correlating my feelings of self and my earliest memories was overwhelming. As the narrator spoke, my mind wandered over many memories that, now I understand, forged much of what I have become today. Some were bitter, others sweet, and they all held an interesting explanation of why and how I have become me. I greatly enjoyed watching Seasons of Life. With a smile, I was really happy to see Mr. Rogers one more time. I have since forwarded along the website to many in the hopes it will shed light on a current struggle or awaken an understanding, just as it has for me. I plan on employing these new resources in my interactions with family and those around me while anticipating what the next episode has to offer.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Heroism in Gattaca (Film)
Heroism in Gattaca (Film) Free Online Research Papers ââ¬Å"Identify and evaluate what human qualities Gattaca considers to be heroic. Do you agree with the filmââ¬â¢s views?â⬠Gattaca is a film that conveys many messages regarding what human qualities constitute heroism. Vincent Freeman is usually the character through which these qualities are highlighted and explored. It is often suggested that Vincentââ¬â¢s journey through Gattaca (both the film and the institution) qualify as heroic. Thus, it could be asserted that the qualities that Vincent exhibits throughout this journey are considered by the film to be heroic. A heroââ¬â¢s plight, as remembered by history and represented by Hollywood, seldom deviates from its clichà ©d formula: a self-sacrificing, determined, courageous, and possibly oppressed person who is, at first, not popularly expected to succeed, ultimately achieves their dreams and receives some form of reward ââ¬â often a woman. Vincentââ¬â¢s journey through Gattaca cannot be entirely seen through this filter of glowing commendability. Rather, Vincent is a character whose negative qualities conform to Greek mythologyââ¬â¢s definition of a hero: a person, often of divine descent, endowed with great courage and strength, and favoured by the gods. A Greek heroââ¬â¢s title can be maintained whilst they exhibit qualities such as; disobedience, anti-social tendencies, selfishness and arrogance. Vincentââ¬â¢s courage is demonstrated repeatedly in the film. His courage can be observed, at the widest level, through Vincentââ¬â¢s choice to cheat the system. The legal implications of Vincentââ¬â¢s path, although not specified, are suggested to be extreme ââ¬â thus his willingness to be subject to such imperilment underlines this aspect of his courage. Vincent is assured by his family and society, from a young age, that: ââ¬Å"â⬠¦the only way [he will]â⬠¦see the inside of a space shuttle is if [he is]â⬠¦cleaning it. This condemnation should discourage Vincent from aspiring to a better life, but it only seems to cement his ambition. For a person to stand up against an entire institution, and his own family, could be seen as courageous. However, it is through circumventing the system, that many of Vincentââ¬â¢s less commendable qualities are made explicit. It would be expected of a hero to challenge that which is unjust, rather than cheat it. Vincentââ¬â¢s aforementioned actions are considered by his society to be criminal, thus his heroic image would appear to be diminished. However, in the eyes of Greek mythology, these actions diminish his character no more than many Greek heroesââ¬â¢ flaws, for example; Odysseusââ¬â¢ hubris, Jasonââ¬â¢s unfaithfulness, Ballerophonââ¬â¢s murderous habits or Zeusââ¬â¢ promiscuity. This path of dishonesty, however, leaves Vincentââ¬â¢s character open to criticism once again, as it accounts for his more violent episodes. Vincent brutally beats an innocent police investigator, whose only crime was doing his job. Vincentââ¬â¢s actions, although reprehensible, are comparable to those committed by many Greek heroes. Heraclesââ¬â¢ more antisocial tendencies is one example of this. It is interesting to note that the name of our heroââ¬â¢s mother is Marie a variant of ââ¬Å"Maryâ⬠ââ¬â who was/is a pivotal figure of western ââ¬Å"mythologyâ⬠. A characteristic of a Greek hero is often divine decent thus Vincentââ¬â¢s divine ancestry is subtly alluded to. This quality in Vincent accounts for other qualities that are central to the profile of a Greek hero: being blessed with strength and favoured by the gods. The strength of Vincent can be observed through his courage, and his being endeared by the gods, in his ultimate success and his dreams being granted. Self sacrifice is considered by many to be a compulsory quality in a hero. However, Vincent is entirely self interested he acts only to further his own cause. Not once in the film does Vincent help anyone directly ââ¬â with his most selfless actions being the possible inspiring of Lamarââ¬â¢s son and supplying Eugene with ââ¬Å"closureâ⬠. This quality, again, has parallels in the characters of many Greek heroes. Arrogance is another ââ¬Å"unbecomingâ⬠quality that Vincent demonstrates near the end of the film, as he says: ââ¬Å"Just rememberâ⬠¦I was as good as any, and better than mostâ⬠Again, this quality is very common in Greek heroes. A protagonistââ¬â¢s background of oppression can often be the prelude of their path to heroism. Vincent does deal with much adversity with his society and family dooming him to a life of unattractive public service. This criterion of the heroic formula is common to both western and Greek mythological heroes. All of these heroic qualities present in Vincentââ¬â¢s character, serve to supply him with the title of a ââ¬Å"heroâ⬠. However, Gattaca is a film that deals with far more than heroism and its human application. Gattaca, for the most part, utilizes Vincent and his heroic qualities as a means of communicating its more central themes of; discrimination, identity, society, the human condition and eugenics. Vincent is a; victim of discrimination, a ââ¬Å"particularly detested segment of the populationâ⬠, a social outcast, and the medium through which the filmââ¬â¢s disdainful views on eugenics are conveyed. Without Vincent and his role as a hero, these themes would have been communicated to a far less convincing extent. Overall, Vincentââ¬â¢s heroic qualities serve to convey Gattacaââ¬â¢s unique view of heroism: that heroism can be constructed of an anachronistic conglomeration of heroic characteristics and qualities. Research Papers on Heroism in Gattaca (Film)The Relationship Between Delinquency and Drug UseWhere Wild and West MeetHonest Iagos Truth through DeceptionComparison: Letter from Birmingham and CritoMarketing of Lifeboy Soap A Unilever ProductRelationship between Media Coverage and Social and19 Century Society: A Deeply Divided EraEffects of Television Violence on ChildrenThe Spring and AutumnIncorporating Risk and Uncertainty Factor in Capital
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
The Deutsche Mark and its Legacy
The Deutsche Mark and its Legacy Since the Euro crisis occurred, there has been a lot of talk about the common European currency, its pros and cons, and the European Union in general. The euro was introduced in 2002 to standardize the money transactions and to push the European Integration, but from then, many Germans (and, of course, citizens of other members of the EU) stillà could not let go of their old, beloved currency. Especially for Germans, it was rather easy to convert the value of their Deutsche Marks into Euros because theyà were just about halfà theà value. That made the transmission rather easy for them, but it also made it harder to let the Mark disappear from their minds. Toà thisà day, billions of Deutsche Mark bills and coins are still circulating or just lying somewhere in safes, under mattresses, or in collecting albums. The relationship of the Germans towards their Deutsche Mark has always been something special. The History of The Deutsche Mark This relationship has begun just after the Second World War, as the Reichsmark was no longer in use because of the high inflation and the lack of economic coverage. Therefore, people in post-war Germany did just help themselves by reintroducing a very old and basic way of paying: They practiced barter. Sometimes they bartered food, sometimes resources, but many times they used cigarettes as a currency. Those have been very rare after the war, and therefore, a good thing to swap for other things. In 1947, one single cigarette had the value of about 10 Reichsmark, which equals a purchasing power of about 32 euros today. That is why the expression Zigarettenwhrung has become colloquial, even if other goods are traded on the black market. With the so-called Whrungsreform (currency reform) in 1948, the Deutsche Mark was officially introduced in the three western Besatzungszonen, the allied occupied zones of Germany to prepare the country for a new currency and economic system, and also to stop the flourishing black market. This led to inflation in the Soviet-occupied zone in East-Germany and to theà first tension between the occupants. It forced the Soviets to introduce its own eastern version of the mark in its zone. During the Wirtschaftswunder in the 1960s, the Deutsche Mark became more and more successful,à and in the following years, it became a hard currency with international standing. Even in other countries, it was adopted as legal tender during hard times, such as inà parts ofà the former Yugoslavia. In Bosnia and Herzegovina, it is ââ¬â more or less ââ¬â still usedà today. It was linked to the Deutsche Mark and isà nowà linked to the euro, but is called theà Convertible Mark, and the bills and coins have a different look. The Deutsche Mark Today The Deutsche Mark has overcome many hard times and hasà always seemed to represent the values of Germany,à suchà asà stability and prosperity. That is one of many reasons why people still mourn the days of the Mark, especially during the financial crisis. However, that doesà notà seem to be the reason why so many Marks are still circulation, according to the Deutsche Bundesbank. Not only hasà aà large amount of the moneyà been transferred abroad (mainly toà the former Yugoslavia),à butà also, it is sometimes the wayà inà which many Germans saved their money over the years. People often mistrusted the banks, especially the older generation, and just hid cash somewhere in the house. Thats why many cases are documented where large amounts of Deutsche Marks are discovered in houses or flats after the occupants died. After all, in most of the cases, the money might haveà just been forgotten- not only in hiding places but also in pants, jackets, or old wallets. Also, much of the money that is still circulating is just waiting in collectors albums to be found. Over the years, the Bundesbank has always published new specially-made coins to collect, most of them with a nominal value of 5 or 10 Marks. The good thing is, though, that one can still change Deutsche Marks into euros at the Bundesbank in the exchange rate of 2002. You can also return bills to the bank and get them replaced if they are (partially) damaged. In case you find an album full ofà a D-Mark collectors coins, send them to the Bundesbank and get them exchanged. Some of them can be very precious today. If they are not, with the increasing silver prices, ità might be a better idea to get them melted down.
Monday, November 4, 2019
Computer Control Systems Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Computer Control Systems - Assignment Example The number of right-half plane roots of the characteristic equation (closed-loop poles) is given by the number of sign changes in the first column of the array. By inspection, there are no sign changes. There are no roots with positive real parts. Since the array was constructed without a 0 appearing anywhere in the first column, there are no roots on the jw axis. The second system is slightly more complex, but the Routh array is formed in the same manner. Note that the number of terms in each row decreases by 1 at each odd-powered row, and that the last element in each even-powered row is the constant coefficient from the characteristic equation. Since there are no sign changes, there are no roots in the right-half plane. There are no roots on the jw axis since there were no 0s in the first column. The third system is the same as the second system except that the gain has been increased by a factor of 10. Note that several of the coefficients in the characteristic equation have changed. Also note that there is a negative coefficient in the polynomial. That guarantees that there is at least one unstable root. Since the constant coefficient is positive, there is an even number of unstable roots. Examination of the first column of the array shows that there are 2 sign changes, from +761.7 to -355.5 and from -355.5 to +120. Therefore, there are 2 roots of the characteristic equation with positive real parts and 2 closed-loop poles in the right-half plane. The location of those roots is not available. ... The number of right-half plane roots of the characteristic equation (closed-loop poles) is given by the number of sign changes in the first column of the array. By inspection, there are no sign changes. Therefore, there are no roots with positive real parts. Since the array was constructed without a 0 appearing anywhere in the first column, there are no roots on the jw axis. The second system is slightly more complex, but the Routh array is formed in the same manner. Note that the number of terms in each row decreases by 1 at each odd-powered row, and that the last element in each even-powered row is the constant coefficient from the characteristic equation. Since there are no sign changes, there are no roots in the right-half plane. There are no roots on the jw axis since there were no 0s in the first column. The third system is the same as the second system except that the gain has been increased by a factor of 10. Note that several of the coefficients in the characteristic equation have changed. Also note that there is a negative coefficient in the polynomial. That guarantees that there is at least one unstable root. Since the constant coefficient is positive, there is an even number of unstable roots. Examination of the first column of the array shows that there are 2 sign changes, from +761.7 to -355.5 and from -355.5 to +120. Therefore, there are 2 roots of the characteristic equation with positive real parts and 2 closed-loop poles in the right-half plane. The location of those roots is not available from the Routh array. Since there were no 0s in the first column, there are no poles on the jw axis. The last system has its gain K left as a variable. We want to determine the upper and lower bounds on K
Saturday, November 2, 2019
South Korea's Environmental Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
South Korea's Environmental Analysis - Essay Example There exist tight knitted system between the government and businesses in the labor market with the government ensuring that the laws and regulations on getting business startup licenses and procedures take the shortest time possible. This is carried out in order to continue increasing the labor market and completely eliminate the low unemployment rate still remaining in the nation. The only problem that the free market system has is that with the lack of strict market control by the government, corruption has been on the increase as people try to control the markets and monopolize it and especially the local market where the government does not bother much with. The corruption has rendered small and medium sized business had to flourish and succeed as the larger established businesses take up the larger share in the foreign investment and use their market stability to expand their wealth and sophistication making it hard to compete successfully (Mo & Brady, 2010). South Korea due to its establishment in the global market and economic success has it small and medium sized companies facing several entry and exit barriers. Some of these barriers include reputation, price discrimination, capital costs and organizational advantage among others (Mo & Brady, 2010). With some of these companies having established themselves in the industry, the startup companies face a very high capital cost just so that they can be able to establish themselves even if not match to the same level in assets and competition. The high capital costs requires heavy borrowing from banks and this leads to the company starting on a high debt percentage and this affects its sustainability in the industry. Even if it wants to exit the market, the debts and other overhead charges will be too much for it leading it bankrupt. With the large established organizations in South Korea such as Samsung and LG, they have cemented their organizational cultures and
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